Myopia: What is it?

Myopia, also called short-sightedness, is the eye condition where objects
nearby or a short distance away are clear but objects that are far away are blurred. It is caused by the eye being slightly too long or too powerful. Most people who have myopia don’t have any complications and will only ever need spectacles / contact lenses to make their vision sharper.

Why do we need myopia control?

“Myopia is one of the most common eye disorders in the world and its prevalence is increasing. We can’t make the eyeball shorter without cutting part of it off. So, our goal is to stop it getting worse or in the case of a child, stop it even starting.Those who have myopia also have an increased risk of developing other eye conditions. 

Detecting myopia early

Most children have normal eyesight at 6 years old. At this point, some start to become short-sighted, resulting in blurred distance vision. Even if your child is not complaining of vision problems it’s important to schedule routine eye exams. Eye exams are especially important if you or your child’s siblings have myopia or other vision problems. Short-sighted kids are often excellent students and have no visual complaints when reading or doing other schoolwork, making it hard to identify.

Why should you be interested in myopia control?

Slowing the progression of myopia may keep you or your child from developing high levels of short-sightedness that require thick, corrective eyeglasses. It has also been associated with serious eye problems later in life, such as early cataracts or even a detached retina. Mild and moderate myopia has also been associated with an increased prevalence of glaucoma.

Myopia Brochure

Below is a brochure about Myopia which will help you understand your next steps.